Infosession Slides Here

General vs. Internal Meetings

General Meetings

CSSA's general meetings feature a variety of events (check out the events tab) and are open to everyone, so you can simply show up to any of the meetings that interest you! Information on meetings is primarily updated through our mailing list, as well as through the "general meetings" channel in the CSSA slack.

Join General Mailing List

Internal Meetings

As an internal member, you're not just a participant but a contributor! CSSA internal members play an integral role in organizing and hosting our annual CogSci Conference, which provides attendees with a glimpse into the latest research in all Cognitive Science related fields. Internal members also have priority access to professor dinners, lab tours, social events, and more! If interested in our Finance and Tech committees this spring, please apply using the application below by January 19th.

Internal Member Application: Due 9/13

CSSA Alumni

CSSA Alumni

Where are they now? CSSA has put together a map of Cal CogSci alumi locations stretching from the Bay Area to around the world. CSSA alumni will be highlighted in purple. This project aims to connect and maintain contact with alumni of the cogsci program here at UC Berkeley and hope to create a network that can benefit both students and alumni. If you’re an alumni and would like to get involved, subscribe to the emailing list and/or join the map!

Alumni Map

Anonymous Feedback Form

We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this web site.